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STÉFY mcknight

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I offer consultations, workshops, meetings, and information sessions about research-creation for students and faculty artist-scholars. This may include reviewing and editing funding applications (ie. SSHRC, NFRF, CFI, JELF), leading funding workshops (how to write academic grants for research-creation), and other support centering research-creation, like writing graduate school applications, curriculum or course outline reviews, mentorship for graduate supervisors who are not-practicing research-creationists. 

See below for more information and booking details.


In April 2023, I hosted a 2- day symposium at Carleton University in Ottawa, about the needs of research-creationists in academia. We talked about the definition of research-creation and where it can go next, the successes and challenges of applying for external and internal grant funding, supervising students, and graduate school curriculum and pedagogy for graduate students. A report on the findings are forthcoming and more information about the symposium can be found online here. 

What was certain was the need for resources, workshops, information sessions, examples, and conversations about how to apply for funding, integrating RC in our curriculum and programs, and how to work as artists in academia. During the symposium, I was asked by members if I would host workshops, review applications, and share resources. I always say yes - and I hope to continue to have the energy and capacity to mentor emerging and current research-creationists in so called Canada. Since being hired at Carleton University in 2020, I have been invited to lead several workshops, presentations, conference roundtables, student and faculty meetings, and information sessions about what is  research-creation and how can we use it, fund it, and engage with it, centering care. 


I have experience in successfully writing multiple SSHRC grants (including CGS for MA, and PhD; Insight Development Grants, Partnership Engage Grants, Knowledge Mobilization Grants), Ontario Graduate Scholarship grants, New Frontiers in Research Fund (Explore), Canada Foundation for Innovation (JELF), and Ontario Research Fund (Research Infrastructure).  Each of these grants were arts based and included research-creation. ​Now, I am ready to share my experiences and knowledge with others in a more formal capacity. ​

Knowledge exchange and labour

I am aware of how my privilege as a white-settler and assistant professor at a reputable university has allowed me the capacity to do this work. My identity, whiteness, and privilege is a substantial reason I have been successful in securing full-time employment, winning high profile external grants, and have had the time to complete research and artwork at a consistent and timely pace. My services and renumeration aim to reflect this. 

As such, I prioritize scheduling and supporting: 

  • students at Carleton University 

  • equity deserving (Indigenous, racialized, 2SLGBTQIA+) students, faculty, and artist-scholars at or outside of Carleton University

  • faculty at Carleton University 

  • anyone else who may need support and guidance!​


All students, regardless of location, will be supported without costs or financial barriers. Members of Carleton University shall receive all services without costs, as it is part of my service as an instructor at the university.  Others who wish to support my services are encouraged to donate funds to one of three community organizations listed below. Of course, I encourage everyone to donate if they have the capacity. 

1. Black Ottawa Connect:

2. Wabano Centre:

3. Kind Space:

If you have suggestions on how to make my renumeration more equitable please reach out.

Disclaimer: I cannot guarantee that any editing, workshops or consultations will result in a successful grant or project. I am here as a support and to share my experiences. 


bookings and inquiries


e: stefy.mcknight (@) 

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© 2022-2040 by Stéfy McKnight 

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