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STÉFY mcknight

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sewing my lips shut, collage, photography, 2022.

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likewise, collage, photography, 2022, exhibited at the Union Gallery, Katarokwi-Kingston. 


Exhibition view, Honesty, Glory, and Possibility: Queer Experiences of Gender, 2022 | Photo: Chris Miner

“I’m an anxious queer”. “likewise”.
this work is a visualization of my queerness and anxiety—both coexisting like a constellation of ciprolex, care, reciprocity, and uncertainty. I’ve found healing in my companions, who like me, are beings of trepidation. I am grateful for their patience and love and their ability to comfort me in my infinite spiralling. I see this print as a reflection of my internal conflicts while also demonstrating my gratefulness and appreciation for those who choose to keep me safe and near.
“I see you”. “likewise”.

 (what I didn't learn in art history fundamentals & things I made for my bedroom)


dom. 2024. collage. 


a bar in miami, i've never been to. 2024. collage

lady and a goose. 2024. collage. 

picture it. 2024. collage. 

bb, 2024. collage. 


e: stefy.mcknight (@) 

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© 2022-2040 by Stéfy McKnight 

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